

by Julie Morgenstern 

SHED #1 space 

           #2 time

         #3 bad habits

p.7 * SHED is a transformative process for letting go of things that represent the past so you can grow and move forward.  The four steps of SHED (separate the Treasures, Heave the Trash, Embrace you Identity, Drive Yourself Forward) provide a framework for proactively managing change, transition and the feeling of being stuck and unsure.  B releasing the defunct, extraneous and burdensome objects and obligations that are weighing you down, you create the space to discover what’s next and gather the energy and courage to move forward.  By understanding and releasing your emotional attachments to tangible areas (like your space and schedule), SHED enables you to release intangible burdens including unhealthy beliefs, thoughts and behaviors.

SHED is not only about throwing things away (though that is a piece). SHEDing converts the process of letting go into an opportunity for self-discovery and healthy growth.  It is a catalyst and companion on the journey to living a richer, more connected life.  The ultimate payoff? Clarity, lightness of being, authenticity and living as your most genuine, fully engaged self.

p.15 * We’ve all felt lost struggling to make a change -- afraid and hesitant to let go of the past.  That transition was one of the most difficult of my life.  But in order to move fully into the next phase of my life, I had to SHED my old skin.

p.16 * SHED is about a transition or experience that transforms us in some way.  And though this process is not always pleasant or easy, without it life gets stalled.  Clinging to the old, the irrelevant and stagnant will bog you down, hold you back and make you feel stuck.  It can confine you to a space that no longer fits, denying you the opportunity to be your trues, best self.  So let’s go quietly through your old attachments, releasing the stagnant and creating the space for transformation.

p.17 * You vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.  Who looks outside, dreams.  Who looks inside, awakens.  ---Carl Jung

p.19 Finding True North *I believe we feel most alive when we are learning, discovering or creating something.  And regardless of what triggers change, most of us sense that the transition we are experiencing is and opportunity for growth.

Sometimes, people hesitate to articulate their deepest wishes because they are afraid of failing.  They are halted by their own insecurities and have grown accustomed to ignoring that quiet voice.  Other times, people stumble when asked to chart their own path because society, other people(parents, bosses, teachers, advisors) and institutions (school, company) have always defined a path for them.

p.25 * The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.                                                                --Eleanor Roosevelt

p.35 *The best way to generate energy and insight is to free up your space and time of the things that are no longer relevant.  The purpose of this chapter is to identify the “rafts” in your life -- the objects, commitments and behaviors which you acquired that have become burdens, taking up space and energy, while no longer providing real value.  These burdens will become the focus of your  SHED, offering opportunities to get unstuck so that you can move in the direction of your theme.

p.225 * We get distracted by what other people think we should be.  We get anxious being in limbo and may be tempted to leap at the first idea that comes along, by simply fulfilling other people’s definitions of what we should be doing. We get caught up “fixing ourselves,” making comparisons to other people, trying to become more “like him” or “like her”, “like this” or “like that,” and end up ignoring the things that light a spark in our eyes.  But if we take the easy way out we fool no one but ourselves.  

     It’s always been my experience that the people who know themselves well, those who are clear on what interests, pleases and energizes them, create the most fulfilling and productive lives.

Getting to know yourself is, of course, a lifelong process.


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